Monday, May 12, 2014

Maldives joins global air traffic control association

5:39 AM

Vice President of MATCA Amhaar working at the air traffic control tower at Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA)
The Maldives Air Traffic Controllers Association (MATCA) has joined the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Association (IFATCA) - the international organisation of air traffic controllers.
IFATCA Meeting
MATCA's president Saddam Ahmed Saeed and secretary Yusuf Naeem took part in IFATCA's 59th annual general meeting, which was held in Spain on Friday.

The vice president of MATCA Amhaar Mahraan Mohamed told Haveeru on Sunday that being a member of an international organisation is a massive development for the 60-member MATCA, and that this would also be a huge encouragement to further improve the security of Maldivian air traffic.

"The international federation usually gives advice on improvement techniques and keeps us updated on new developments in the field. One of the biggest objectives of the association is to provide professional opinions and strengthen air transport facilities. We will be granted all these opportunities now that we are also a member there," he said.

Amhaar said that MATCA works together with the state run Maldives Airports Company (MACL), and that their membership with IFATCA will further develop their relationship to bring about air transport improvements.

"They send invites to their annual meetings only to those they see fit. That is how we got invited this year. We believe that this proves that the federation accepts all our efforts since the creation of MATCA in 2008," Amhaar said.

IFATCA has more than 130 air traffic control organisations as members, summing up to more than 50,000 air traffic controllers.

News: Haveeru Online

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