Thursday, October 22, 2015

Why do most runways have grass on the sides?

4:28 PM

If it was concrete instead, wouldn't it be safer (if the aircraft skids off the runway while landing)?

At first, I would like to share a short story with you about how shoe was invented.  
' Once upon a time there was a king. He was very upset about one thing that whenever he goes around his kingdom, his feet get dirty due to muck on the road. Finally he ordered his ministers to cover the complete globe with leather. The ministers kept on convincing him about the difficulty in implementation of such decision. But the king was unmoved. Finally they called for meeting and came across on a unique idea. They went to the king and told, "Me lord how about covering your feet with leather instead of the globe. Either way the muck would not touch your feet". And thus the shoe was invented. Probably that was something like this.
Now coming the topic. You can not have concrete everywhere in an airfield. There are various reasons behind it. 
(1) The runway is a layered construction and it has different categories based on strength. This decides how much heavy load it can handle.  It is identified with  pavement classification number (PCN) which  is an International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) standard. The Kadhdhoo (VRMK) Aerodrome has PCN 15 Bituminous. 

Here, how the layers are made.

You can not afford to have this kind of ground work done in complete airfield.

(2) How much extra potion should we cover? The aircraft can skid and go to even out of the airport.

(3) Lastly the most important one. The soft ground around the runway is responsible for saving the aircraft. The aircraft wheels get jammed in the soft ground and the aircraft stops. See the picture below. Had the sides been concrete, the aircraft would have been down the hills in pieces.

Natural brake.


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