Thursday, March 6, 2014

Aircraft engineers' lincense terminated for copying exam

5:59 AM

Azuhaar Abdul Azeez, Haveeru Online
Mar 06, 2014 - 09:17
Licenses of some Maldivian aircraft engineers have been annulled for allegedly cheating in the international examinations held to grant licenses.
Aircraft engineers are granted licenses after they pass from both theory and practical tests.

A statement issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Greece said that the examinations held by the Greece-based Hellenic Aviation Training Academy (HATA) to award licences for Maldivian aircraft engineers in 2012 and 2013 are invalid. The statement says that the licenses that had been awarded on those tests have been seized now.

"We are now investigating the events that transpired during those examinations with the cooperation of world's aviation authorities. Also the licenses that have been issued upon those tests have been seized now," the statement read.

A Maldivian civil aviation authority official said that licenses of 12 Maldivian aircraft engineers have been annulled. He also said that this was done under CAA allegations for copying at the examinations and bribing the examiners.

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